Sunday, March 27, 2011

Malachi 3:10

Tithing. It took me a long time to be able to tithe. First to want to do it, then to have the money to actually do it. But I finally got there not too long ago.

It had been on my heart for awhile about not just giving, but to some degree giving more than is just comfortable.

Just a few weeks ago, I added a little more to increase my tithe; that's me trying to get out of my comfort zone. Not really in the financial mode to do it, but it was something I really wanted to do. I didn't bother looking at my budget, and just did it.

Just this last week, I found out that I will be receiving a bonus at work; it's called an above and beyond bonus. I'll be getting this at just the right time; all in God's timing.

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do", says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!" Malachi 3:10

Sunday, March 20, 2011

7 random truths about me...

1. Being still, I have yet to practice.
2. I do not like working on home renovations...AT ALL.
3. Food can usually change my mood(for the better) rather quickly.
4. I like to have a presidente margarita with dinner when at Chilis.
5. I wonder alot what my nephew Zavier would be like now.
6. I often struggle with understanding God's will and our own free will.
7. The purpose of my life is to glorify God.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Judging...Part II

Interestingly enough, the message at church this week (, was about treating people right. One of the verses that we went over was 1 Samuel 16:7: People judge by outward and appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.

So often do we not only judge by outward appearance but by outward actions...if that makes any sense. It was a great message to hear this weekend about "judging" considering that I judge all too often...I actually wonder if I can go a day without judging.

Shortly after church I was talking to a friend who had also gone to the church service and heard the message about treating people right. I was telling her about my dad. Now, I don't have a regular daughter-father relationship with my dad, and started telling her a little bit about him. BUT just a couple of minutes into my conversation...I paused my story and said...wait, I am totally judging! Even after I just heard a message about it!

It comes so easily for me to judge him and his actions. Do I really know his heart? Probably not, I'm not sure it's even possible. Sometimes his actions and words make it hard to understand and see his heart.

Along with the judging, I am conflicted about forgiving...and how many times should I forgive. Then the answer comes so easily,

Matthew 18:21-22: Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!"

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Judging. When we hear something about somebody, it's so easy to assess the situation and give our thoughts on what somebody should do, shouldn't do, what they should've done and what they shouldn't have done. It's funny that when it comes to ourselves, we are practically flawless. We would have handled "that" situation better; it's always easier when we are an outsider looking in.

I often find myself catching other people judging other people. Usually, I am quick to notice the judging and often chime in (in the other person's defense). Here is what I don't often do...catch myself judging others. When I'm judging others, well, it's ok.

Instead of showing mercy, understanding, or love to another, I am busy judging them. Why do we choose to judge instead of choose to love?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Small Beginnings...

I finally finished reading the Old Testament. I thought I'd never get to the end quite honestly. And contemplated skipping what I had left to read and go right into the New Testament. It did take me several months to get through and it was and still is quite challenging to read about some of God's ways in the Old Testament. Every time I read it, I tried to pick up something I could hold on to or something that applied to my every day life. Maybe I was too overwhelmed at times with the violence and destruction in the Old Testament that I didn't mark up too many verses...but here I was getting to the end of the Old Testament praying that I could find something, a verse that would help me.

Now, sometimes I am an anxious person...anxious to see results in whatever I am focused on. In my journey with God, often times, I am disappointed when I make bad decisions...decisions that are not aligned with God's Word. I guess I would say that I am my toughest critic. Sometimes I find myself questioning my spiritual maturity; maybe I am not doing things the right way, or getting to where I should be fast enough. Questioning why I still mess up, why sometimes I take one step forward and two steps back.

While reading Zechariah, I read the following, "...Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10

It was then that I realized so even though God requires certain things from us, He understands that we are merely people and He actually rejoices even in all the small beginnings we have; small beginnings that lead us to Him.

Thank you God...for letting me know that small beginnings do count.