Wednesday, June 22, 2011


One question that pops into my head frequently is "how do I live all out for God"? I feel like sometimes I'm not doing enough. Just recently, I read "Same Kind of Different as Me" and it's a great book (true story) about how God works in people's lives. A married couple volunteers at a homeless shelter and befriends a homeless person, who is now like family. This got me thinking...

I work downtown, and every morning I see about at least one homeless person that I just pass on by. Honestly, sometimes I am scared to make eye contact. But after I read the book, I thought to myself, why don't I just make a sandwich every morning and give it to a homeless person that I see on my way to work.

So...I bought some bread and PB&J...had the stuff ready to make a sandwich. I haven't made one yet. As I walked to work one morning, I noticed the homeless person that I've seen for awhile now, asleep on the sidewalk. What if starts playing in my head...what if I place the sandwich next to him and he gets mad because I woke him up. What if he doesn't want the sandwich...what if he becomes violent towards me?

Just this last weekend, I read another book, and one of the characters always carried a sandwich with her to give to a hungry person. Another sign? Maybe...

Then, earlier this week, I was walking to the bus stop on the way out of work, and I notice a homeless person up ahead. Now, normally, I don't usually give people cash, mostly because I rarely carry cash, but sometimes I think that this could just be my excuse. In my bag I had four dollars, and thought to myself I could give this guy the few dollars. I passed by him (just walking by, not giving him anything), and there he sat, saying obscene things to me. I was stuck at the intersection waiting for the crosswalk light to give me a go, and I could still hear him calling for my attention. I didn't know if I should walk to the other side, or just wait until I could cross in the direction I needed to go. I waited it out, thankfully, it wasn't too long.

Walking to the bus stop, I could hear his words replaying in my head. I just took one step back, maybe I shouldn't help the homeless?

Or is that just Satan trying to pull me away? Could be, I don't really know.

Where is the courage I should have? Why am I so scared to step out my comfort zone?

Psalm 27:14
Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

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