Sunday, June 5, 2011


I love the word "redemption". Redemption is the act of redeeming. Redeeming is defined as the following:

a. to buy back
b. to free from what distresses
c. to change for the better
d. repair, restore
e. to atone for

A good friend once told me that God is in the business of "redeeming" :)

Redemption, have you ever felt God's redemption? I have. It's not just something that happens once, at least not for me. It happens every time I make a mistake, every time I make a bad decision or selfish decision. I can feel God redeeming me and saying, "it's ok, just try again".

God has bought me back from all my sins. He has freed me from my guilt. He has changed me for the better. He has repaired my broken ways and broken thoughts on how to live. He sent Jesus to atone for my sins, for all of our sins.

And with redemption comes freedom, freedom from the past, freedom from the world, freedom from guilt. Freedom to believe and know God is the Almighty, freedom to believe and know that God is the Redeemer, freedom to believe and know God will always redeem.

"O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is unfailing love. His redemption overflows. He himself will redeem Israel from every kind of sin." Psalm 130:7-8

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