Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Luke 9:23

Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."

The last book I read pretty much focused on this verse. "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman has quickly become one of my favorites. The book talks about assessing whether you are a fan of Jesus or a follower of Jesus. Many of us say we are followers, but are we truly followers, or just "fans"? Idleman defines a fan as an "enthusiastic admirer".

Following Jesus is not a one-time commitment saying that you believe in Jesus. It's a daily commitment, or should be, and our daily lives should be reflective of this.

Do I want to be a follower of Jesus?

Will I turn from my selfish ways?

Other translations of the verse say deny yourself; will I deny myself?

Will I take up my cross "daily"?

Will I follow Him?

Or do I just say I do? Luke 9:23 is so convicting to me. Alot of times when interpreting the Bible, I've heard that Jesus speaks in exaggeration, sometimes not to be taken literally. For this verse, I think He meant exactly what he said. I think He means if I want to follow Him, this life can't be about me, but about Him. Anything that could get in the way of me following Him - I must give that up - even if it is an American norm or part of my need for being "comfortable". I don't think there is any comprising this. Idleman points out that God wants all of us, wants to be our only priority not just our first priority. That may sound a bit extreme, but I think if God is our only priority all other priorities fall into place.

Take up your cross daily...hmm. Jesus really wants me to carry a cross every day? Ok, so this is not too literal. I think He is saying that no matter what your circumstance may be, don't lose focus of your goal - following Jesus. Following Jesus is no easy task, that's not what He promises.

Follow Him. How? By turning from my selfish ways and taking up my cross daily. By making Jesus first place - no matter what. By loving God and by loving my neighbor as myself. By getting out of my own little world. By following Jesus, wherever and whenever He leads me.

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