Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I remember...

I remember when my first nephew, Zavier was born - September 15, 2009. It was an exciting moment in our family's life. We had all been anxiously awaiting his arrival.

I remember wanting him to be older already so he could laugh and play with us.

I remember January 8, 2010 came all to quickly.

I remember the phone call on that cold Friday afternoon.

I remember getting to the hospital to find out that Zavier did not make it.

I remember feeling a little numb; alot of disbelief.

I remember the next few days being a whirlwind....doing things I never thought our family would have to do.

I remember feeling helpless and actually sometimes I still do.

I remember trying to cling to God with all I had.

I remember going through moments being angry at God, but then feeling his peace calming my anger.

I remember God...never letting go and I know He never will.

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