Friday, May 27, 2011


When thinking of my passion, I often find myself a little insecure to talk about it. What if I don't say the right thing, what if I sound crazy, what if I sound righteous, what if I offend someone, what if, what if, what if...

I think that's why I like keeping this blog to write about my relationship with God. My passion is God. I may not always say or do the right things, but my passion is my passion. I never really shared my blog with lots of people. A part of me just wanted random people to stumble upon it. After I found out I was pregnant, I decided that I would share my blog on Facebook as a way to share the news, but more importantly to share some of my posts and maybe encourage a person to start seeking God for someone who doesn't really know Him.

A friend of mine asked me the next day after I shared my blog on FB, why I posted my diary for everyone to see. The question was in passing and I didn't say what was truly in my heart. I shared it so that maybe one single person could begin seeking God and find Him too. I don't know if that will happen, but that is my hope.

Another friend just earlier this week asked me what my passion was (we were talking about jobs), instantly, I said "not tax" (my job, by the way I like it but could definitely live without it). What I really wanted to say was possibly being a missionary, doing some type of mission work. I'm not good at talking about my passion...this is my insecurity.

Here is what I will meditate on and maybe one day I won't feel so insecure.

"...don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time." Matthew 10:19

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