Thursday, February 10, 2011


Friday...finally here, well almost. I've been thinking alot about change, specifically about being "uncomfortable" - embracing things that will make me a good way. To help me get out of my comfort zone...God sure did hear this loud and clear :)

This week was a crazy work my mind all I could focus on was the chaos (the chaos of my own thoughts!). I had been volunteered to hold several presentations at work a while back. And this was the week of the, was I ever so uncomfortable.

Now that the presentations are over, I've been reflecting on the work week and my reaction to the stress. I had thought that taking on my own "uncomfortable" challenge would be to do things that I normally wouldn't do, but do them anyway for God's glory. So after this chaotic week....I'm sitting here realizing that my "uncomfortableness" didn't leave me doing what I had expected - getting out my comfort zone by maybe being a bit more kinder and patient with people, helping a stranger, just basically loving my neighbors as myself. During the week, all I kept focusing on was "my" stress; not God's power, strength, and love for me to help me through this.

On Tuesday night, the day before my first presentation, right before I was just about to have a minor meltdown - my friend sends me a message- "You know who to give it up will do great". Just exactly what I needed to hear - to remind me what was hard for me to focus on - relying and looking to God during these exact times. He sure did provide me with a great support team (my friends who kept on encouraging me!).

This bout with uncomfortableness was not what I had in mind. But that's God for us - unpredictable in how He chooses to teach us something. Reminding me "do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." (James 1:22)

"Those who know your name trust in You, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

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