Tuesday, November 22, 2011


God has blessed our family in so many ways; it's incredible. He has surrounded us with His blessings. The blessings come in all sorts of ways. One that I'd like to touch on is that of our friends. We have seen God working in our friends to show his love to us. It's just amazing....

-Sam's co-workers at work threw him a surprise baby shower last week. We received lots of great gifts. To date, this is the fourth baby shower that we have had thrown by friends and co-workers. How cool is that? For God to supply us with what we will need; for Him to place in the heart of others - his generous ways.

-Earlier this week our missionary friends, Mauri and Kerry, came to visit for a few days. They took time from their schedule to have dinner with us, to share their story and stories about being missionaries since they know that Sam and I would like to become missionaries one day. God - using them, perhaps, to call us, to encourage us.

-My friends who have helped us figure out decorating the baby room. PJ, who took time to show me how to do an art project for Alise's room, LeTricia who stopped by and helped us decide which colors to paint the walls, Cindy who spent the day with me organizing and making curtains for Alise's room. Each of them, selflessly giving their time - God's love working through them.

"For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Psalm 100:5

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Little Spring in November...

On Friday, November 4th, 2011 - my second nephew Phoenix was born. After anxiously awaiting his arrival, the day finally came :) Mom and baby are doing well. I'd like to say that I didn't worry about the day he would be born. But I did, and during my anxiousness, I heard a soft spoken voice inside say, "I got this."

Why do we doubt when we know that God has a plan? Regardless of the "why", God loves us and will come through for us. We are, after all, his children. His coming through may not always be on our terms. But who says our terms are the best way anyway?

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

Even when we couldn't see it, God knew that spring would be coming...