Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My church - Community of Faith

I have a journal that I just found. I have one entry...that's all. It doesn't have an exact date but I know it's from early 2009. It's about how my church has impacted my life. Actually, it was a letter to the church. Here it goes...

My Story

During the last few months, I've slowly opened the door to finally establish a relationship with God. COF has helped me, tremendously, to decide that I do choose God, that He is boss of my life. Going to my first COF service back in November was a "kairos" moment for me. After going through my "quarter-life" crises, I knew that I needed a change, a positive change. It was time for me to make God my first priority. And not second to drinking and partying with my friends. COF has helped me realized that I want to serve God. Everyone I have met has been so sincere, every service is so sincere and genuine.

Being a Houston non-native for a less than a year, I have sent my friends back home the link to COF so they can see and hear the services too. I've found myself wanting and planning to do things I had never wanted before - such as volunteering at church. And hopefully getting to participate in a mission trip.

This is only the beginning of my journey to live a life that Christ would be proud of. I emailed one of my friends back home and told them of my new found devotion to God, going to church, participating in church groups...I told her that I had no desire to drink as I once looked forward to (far too often)...her response was "who is this Lanie, you are not the same person I know". She is right - I am not the same person that lived for all the wrong things. Thanks COF for helping me jumpstart a defining 2009 year!!

More than 2 years later - my church is still the greatest! The way God works through the church body and staff is pretty incredible. Here is a link to COF's website where messages can played back...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I want more...

I want more...

More of God. More of Jesus. More of the Holy Spirit.

I want less...

Less of myself. Less of this world. Less of meaningless distractions.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Take my life, take it all, I surrender heart and soul
From now on I live for You
Take my life, take it all, I surrender heart and soul
From now on I live for You, only You

-Take My Life, ALM UK

Saturday, August 20, 2011


We have been back from Costa Rica for almost a week now and I am still overwhelmed by how much, both Sam and I loved it. It was our second mission trip and it will not be our last.

I am in awe of the people we got to spend time with. It's amazing to see a different world besides our "American" world. When you walk down the streets of La Carpio, you see poverty, run down homes, unpaved streets...nothing like we are used to. Our church, Community of Faith, strives to establish relationships rather than go in and try to fix everything. I like that.

In our American culture, we strive for bigger, better things...materialism. There could be more happy people in La Carpio than some of us here who are consumed by debt because we have to pacify our need to have material items. Sure we may have it "all", a nice car, nice home, nice wardrobe...but who are we to say that we live better than people in La Carpio. They may be more spiritually rich...which is what ultimately matters.

Here are a few pictures of La Carpio:

Dawin, the little boy in this picture, taught us 1st Peter 2:17 in Spanish. Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God, and respect the king.

This is a picture of my new friend, Ruth. She lives in La Carpio and lives with 2 of her kids there. She has 3 other kids who live in Nicaragua. After spending a little time with her, she came back to the community center where we were at, and gave me two handmade headbands for Baby Alise. What a generous heart!
A couple of pictures of homes in La Carpio.

2 Corinthians 6:10
"Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything."

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today, I am thankful. Thankful for many things but a couple of specific things. I am thankful that I get to now feel my baby move! I love every movement :) Thank you God.

I am thankful for Sam. Thankful that he is just as passionate about God as I am. I love to hear him sing to God. Sam is not normally a singer, but at church he sings, and I love that.

"Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me." Psalm 103:1-2