Saturday, July 16, 2011


One of God's greatest gift to us is choice. And we have the choice to choose happiness or not...not sure if in my mind I am simplfying this, but I have the choice to be happy or to be unhappy. You have the same freedom and can choose to be happy or to be unhappy.

Now, I do realize that there are circumstances in our lives that may not seem ideal or positive. But it is our choice to look past our circumstances and find our happiness. For me, my happiness is in God. No matter what kind of day I am having, what kind of relational issue I am having, God will always be God. No changing there...and He is my happiness. Knowing this, I have found great peace within myself, great peace knowing God and wanting to know Him more. This doesn't mean that I don't have problems or bad days, or even bad things happen...because I do and bad things do happen. It's about choosing how to deal with such things; how to look beyond, and above to the One who knows about yesterday, today, and tomorrow - God. It's about knowing that this life we live is not the end all. God is the end all; heaven is our home and what I look forward to. Living this life all for Him - that is my happiness.

Often times, I am disappointed, but those are moments that soon pass.

Look beyond your circumstance, look beyond your problem to find true happiness, choose to do it because no one else can do it for you. Choose to let God in, choose to want to know Him.

I pray that I will never lose focus of my happiness and pray for those who are looking for it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Strength and Perseverance...

Tomorrow my sister, Erica will be graduating from college. I am so in awe of her accomplishment. She went back to school about two years ago, when she was pregnant with my nephew, Zavier. About 4 months later, Zavier passed away. My sister could have easily given up. Instead she continued going to school while working full-time and being a mother and wife.

It's just incredible when I think about how she was able to do all of this. Now, she will be graduating from college. And, I think, the most amazing part is that she is now expecting her third child, her second son. There is nothing my sister can't do and I thank God for her and the inspiration she is to so many around her.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.They will soar high on wings like eagles.They will run and not grow weary.They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31