Sunday, July 22, 2012

Too many excuses....

It's been a couple of months since my last post. And even then, the posts were just lyrics....lyrics that I used as prayers. My mind, for the last couple of months, has been preoccupied to say the least. Preoccupied....thankfully, with nothing major, except life. Well, I think I'll take the "major" back, still getting in the groove of things with Alise. She is now seven, almost 8 months old. But along with this new life change, I've been busy with work - typical...typical excuses (work, family life, health, tv, the worldly distractions). Excuses for me - for not spending enough one on one time with God.

I can clearly remember when I was truly on fire for God...I was excited about learning about God, knowing about God, being with Him. I couldn't wait to read his Word, and I would - morning and night. Now, quite honestly, it's a bit different for me - it's a struggle. When I do read the Bible, sometimes I feel like I do it mostly out of obligation. Shouldn't I "want" to do this without feeling like I have to?

I used to love writing about my journey with God, maybe not as much on this blog as my Lessons in 2010 blog. I saw things so differently, then - I saw God's beauty and power in lots of instances. Now, it's as if my eyes are not as open as they once were.

My prayer is that God will open my eyes as they once were and even more so, not only my eyes but heart to him and all those around me.

..."Think back on those early days when you first learned about Christ....So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that He has promised." Hebrews: 10:32-36