Saturday, December 31, 2011

Long Overdue.....

This post is, well, long overdue. 4 weeks ago, 12/3/11, God gave us the greatest gift, a daughter - Alise Cari Andrade. She weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long.

Little did I know, how exciting yet overwhelming it would be. I have had many thoughts and ideas for my next post. But had not gotten around to it. Now it's 5ish am - and I can't sleep. They say you should sleep when the baby sleeps, but that's sort of hard. And really can't remember much about all those thoughts I've had about this post. So if I ramble, bear with me. I figured if I actually start typing something will come.

We are adjusting to this new chapter in our life. Sam does great, and is very hands on with Alise. He is a great dad. I couldn't ask for more. Well, I could ask for more sleep, but you know how that goes.

One thing that I have gotten away from is reading my Bible daily. Pre-Alise I was pretty good at reading a few chapters a day. It was part of my routine, something I looked forward to. Now, I try to read a bit, but it doesn't happen every day. Lately, if I do read, it's the book of Psalms and it's a distracted kind of read. I feel a little like I've been neglecting God's Word. And this is one thing that I do not want to do. I know I need to adjust my daily schedule to find time...I am a believer of no excuses when it comes to God. I shouldn't have to "find time". So, I just have to do it.

Pre-Alise I always thought...God will still be my number one priority. And He still is...but I have been slacking. I do talk to Him alot; I must admit it's mostly "thank you" and "please help me". For me, it is important to keep growing in Him. To be able to live what I believe. In motherhood, sometimes, I feel like I don't live what I believe. Granted I am a new mom, but I tend to worry and stress over Alise more than I would like to. And it frustrates me...why don't I rest in God's faithfulness, His goodness, His promises? Why am I not living what I believe? I talk to others about trusting God in their situations. Why am I not doing the same in mine? Why am I not running to God's Word, where we find His voice, wisdom, and love?